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Real Firearm and Asset Security
Eliminate exposure to liability and monetary cost of human error. Our proven Biometric Access Control Systems (BACS™) rely on state-of-the-art technology to ensure security, control, safety, accountability and reliability in reporting. LEID’s BACS™ Systems are field proven and used wherever access to rifles, tasers, other armory assets and ammunition are of utmost concern, including military facilities, crime and research labs, and law enforcementdepartments.
Electronic gun racks, lockers and keyboxes are sealed, controlled electronically through the BACS ID Station Kiosk. When an officer arrives for duty, all they need to do is log into the BACS Kiosk via fingerprint verification. The kiosk prompts users to select any weapons and/or keys needed for their shift. Officers will only be granted access to equipment they have been qualified for use by the administrator. For example, if an officer is not taser-certified, a taser would not appear on the access list when that officer logs in. Every piece of equipment controlled by the system contains an RFID chip or barcode, guaranteeing accurate identification.
The kiosk traces every transaction for easy viewing by department administrators in real time. The administrator can log into the system – through remote Web-enabled access – to see where each piece of equipment is at any given time.
Increased safety
Secured electronic chain of custody tracking
Reduced costs and saved time
Improved accountability
Inventory control
Tracks maintenance requirements
Secured electronic chain of custody tracking
Reduced costs and saved time
Improved accountability
Inventory control
Tracks maintenance requirements
Access via biometric fingerprint, LCD-keypad and/or card swipe
Web-enabled remote management
Removable data storage medium (for upgrades and system support)
Modular units to mix or match in any configuration
Rear-door option for pass-thru installation
Web-enabled remote management
Removable data storage medium (for upgrades and system support)
Modular units to mix or match in any configuration
Rear-door option for pass-thru installation
Crime lab
Evidence storage
Weapons room/armory
Patrol duty checkout
Military facilities
Evidence storage
Weapons room/armory
Patrol duty checkout
Military facilities