Mass Real Time People Screening
Mass Real Time People Screening
Apstec has developed the Human Security RadarTM (HSR) which is a fully automatic walk-through system that screens people in real time for hidden explosive threats and firearms.
- – Real-time walk-through free flow system. Allows the unimpeded flow of crowds between scanning pillars
- – Automated Threat Detection. No Operator Needed. **Automatic weapon detection is under development
- – Inspects several persons at a time without the need for any queueing or divestment. Able to pick up and detect a number of threat objects per person
- – Ready to work with a third party video tracking and image processing systems. Networking device. Easy to integrate with an established security infrastructure
- – Exceptional detection accuracy and unmatched low false alarm rates. The level of false alarm rates allows the system to be used in mass transit scenarios
Protection public places from terrorist attacks
Human Security RadarTM (HSR) is a fully automatic walk-through system that screens people in real time for hidden explosive threats and firearms.
Human Security RadarTM (HSR)
Real-time fully automatic walk-through system that screens people in real time for hidden explosive threats and firearms
- HSR is a quantum leap in capability and meets a need where no other technology currently exists.
- There is no requirement for any special preparation of those passing through the system or for any divestment.
- HSR scans several people at the same time and can achieve throughputs of up to 10 thousand people an hour.
- It detects threats on the body, in backpacks and luggage.
- HSR requires no specially trained operator and therefore has very low operating costs.
- Automated Threat Detection. No Operator Needed. **Automatic weapon detection is under development.
- Real-time walk-through free flow system. Allows the unimpeded flow of crowds between scanning pillars.
- Inspects several persons at a time without the need for any queueing or divestment. Able to pick up and detect a number of threat objects per person.
- Reveals explosive devices hidden on the body under clothing or in a backpack. **Wheeled luggage scanning is under development
- Ready to work with a third party video tracking and image processing systems. Networking device. Easy to integrate with an established security infrastructure
- Exceptional detection accuracy and unmatched low false alarm rates. The level of false alarm rates allows the system to be used in mass transit scenarios.
Apstec Human Security Radar
Human Security Radar® (HSR®) is a fully automatic, real-time threat detection and mass people screening solution that introduces and extends secure perimeters without disrupting the people flow:
• Extremely high throughput of up to 10,000 people per hour
• Capable of screening multiple targets at once
• Exceptional detection accuracy and unmatched false alarm rates
• Detection of IEDs, including those without metal components
• Detection of automatic firearms
OPENGATE is a Revolutionary Weapons Detection System designed for the automatic screening of people in transit, including their luggage, backpacks, and bags, for the detection of Mass Casualty Metal Threats, such as high caliber assault weapons and IED devices.
Mass casualty weapons
Extremely high throughput with near-zero nuisance alarms, provides automatic screening and pre-screening of non-divested people along with their carry-on items
Applications include metro and railway stations, airport and port terminal entrances, convention centres, museums, stadiums, arenas, theatres, theme parks; in general all places open to the public characterized by high footfall events or time restricted ingress
Is only 11 kg with less than 1 minute setup time and does not require adjustments or the assembly of mechanical and electrical parts
If you have any specific questions that you wish to ask Tactical Solutions
Ltd please contact directly or use the enquiry form provided.
Auckland Retail Store/Showroom and Head Office
7 Canaveral Drive
Albany 0632
Wellington Retail Store/Showroom
NZ Campus of Innovation and Sport
Level 1, Block B, 30 Somme Road
Trentham, Upper Hutt, 5019
No retail store
3 Harrington Street, Arundel, QLD, 4214, Australia
P: +61 7 5619 5343