Keeping the rotors of the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust spinning
March 12 2018 | Tactical Solutions
Tactical Solutions has been a corporate supporter of the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust since 2008 and we are proud to announce that we are renewing our support for another year.
In 1990 a Charitable Trust was formed with Trustees selected from the community and business sectors of the greater Auckland region. The primary aim of the Trust is to provide and develop a highly efficient aeromedical service for the benefit of the community at large.
The Auckland Rescue Helicopter was formed in 1970 and was the world’s first ever civilian surf rescue helicopter service. They started off their repertoire with a Hiller 12E helicopter and have since evolved to the BK117 (Bolkov Kawasaki 117) which boasts Night vision Traffic collision avoidance system, emergency beacon tracking direction finder and can reach a speed of 277km/h that will get you from Auckland to Piha in under 15 minutes.
With over 1000 missions, more than 1.5 million community members supported and thousands of lives saved the Rescue program operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
for more details.
Tactical Solutions is proud to be part of keeping the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust in the air.