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Both our retail stores are temporarily closed

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Both our retail stores are temporarily closed

Published: March 11 2022 | Tactical Solutions

As part of our COVID businesses continuity plan, we have strict protocols to keep our departments separate from each other in our various operating environments.
Our teams have been doing an exceptional job of keeping all areas of our business moving forward during these challenging times.

Unfortunately, COVID has put a lot of pressure on our retail stores in Auckland and Wellington.

Due to other business commitments and keeping our business units safe, we are unable to effectively redeploy our current staff to keep our retail outlets open for the time being.

Both our stores will be temporarily closing from this Friday 11 March 2022 at (Auckland – 5 pm, Wellington – 2 pm).

Our other business units will not be affected.
Online https://store.tactical.co.nz – open
Warehouse – No change, click and collect added to Auckland location
Customer Service – no change
Returns – no change, drop-offs accepted at click and collect location in Auckland
Service centres – no change
Measure and fit centres – no change.
Special Projects – no change

Thank you for putting your trust in us during this hard time.
Stay safe
Your Tactical Team