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Apstec has developed the Human Security RadarTM (HSR) which is a fully automatic walk-through system that screens people in real time for hidden explosive threats and firearms.

After many years of fundamental research in radiophysics, electronics and software engineering, Apstec have built a technology that is able to identify people carrying concealed threats and which genuinely fills a massive capability gap.

  • – HSR is a quantum leap in capability and meets a need where no other technology currently exists.
  • – There is no requirement for any special preparation of those passing through the system or for any divestment.
  • – HSR requires no specially trained operator and therefore has very low operating costs.
  • – Automated Threat Detection. No Operator Needed. **Automatic weapon detection is under development.
  • – Real-time walk-through free flow system. Allows the unimpeded flow of crowds between scanning pillars.
  • – Inspects several persons at a time without the need for any queueing or divestment. Able to pick up and detect a number of threat objects per person.
  • – Reveals explosive devices hidden on the body under clothing or in a backpack. **Wheeled luggage scanning is under development
  • – Ready to work with a third party video tracking and image processing systems. Networking device. Easy to integrate with an established security infrastructure
  • – Exceptional detection accuracy and unmatched low false alarm rates. The level of false alarm rates allows the system to be used in mass transit scenarios.
Their comprehensive range of headsets and earmuffs can be used in a number of environments and meet most requirements for both communication and hearing protection. These Protective Communication Solutions combine state-of-the-art electronics and hearing protection advancements. 3M Peltor is also a leading resource for advanced hearing, communications headsets and other tactical safety. Each product is designed to perform under tough conditions and is subject to ongoing innovation. 3M Peltor headsets provide comfort during extended wear and have demonstrated field-proven, mission- critical reliability.