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Anti-Covid Compliant Security Solution

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Anti-Covid Compliant Security Solution

Published: August 07 2020 | Tactical Solutions
The rapid spread of COVID-19 infections has required the introduction of containment measures at all levels. Measures include the use of face masks, social distancing, and also the measurement of body temperature as an indicator of possible virus infections.
Security checkpoints at the entries to airports and other sensitive buildings should now be equipped with security systems compliant with the new measures. This means detecting target threats with the minimum rate of nuisance alarms in order to limit the number of secondary checks necessary, to reduce contacts between checkpoint operators and persons in transit and to reduce waiting times upstream from the system.
Tactical Solutions have an integrated solution for security checkpoints which comply with these COVID-19 requirements that will be available in the last quarter of 2020.
For further information please get in touch here or contact our Detection Centre head-office at +64 9 477 2800